Monthly Archives: June 2013

father’s day steak out

Steak? For Father’s Day? I know… not exactly a revolutionary concept. Well except maybe for me. See, I have a hard time with the simple. I feel like if I haven’t worked really hard at it – haven’t poured over

father’s day steak out

Steak? For Father’s Day? I know… not exactly a revolutionary concept. Well except maybe for me. See, I have a hard time with the simple. I feel like if I haven’t worked really hard at it – haven’t poured over

back to the betty basics

My husband jokes that he doesn’t think I ever make the same thing twice and while that might be a tad of an exaggeration, it’s probably closer to the truth than not. Sure, there’s favorites that get made time and

back to the betty basics

My husband jokes that he doesn’t think I ever make the same thing twice and while that might be a tad of an exaggeration, it’s probably closer to the truth than not. Sure, there’s favorites that get made time and

my new favorite summer salad

It’s hard for me to sit here and preach about healthy food when my last post was a cocktail made with avocado, Kahlua, Bailey’s and laced with chocolate (and worth every last calorie might I add). But I try to

my new favorite summer salad

It’s hard for me to sit here and preach about healthy food when my last post was a cocktail made with avocado, Kahlua, Bailey’s and laced with chocolate (and worth every last calorie might I add). But I try to