Monthly Archives: April 2013

basque baked eggs

I like breakfast well enough. It’s certainly not my favorite meal of the day but on at least one morning of the weekend, I try to make something worth lingering over with my husband. But I felt like I was

basque baked eggs

I like breakfast well enough. It’s certainly not my favorite meal of the day but on at least one morning of the weekend, I try to make something worth lingering over with my husband. But I felt like I was

seasoned with spontaneity

It tasted like spring and friendship and laughter and collaboration. And wine… it definitely tasted like wine but I’m not sure that any of that actually made it into the recipe. And for that matter, there really is no recipe.

seasoned with spontaneity

It tasted like spring and friendship and laughter and collaboration. And wine… it definitely tasted like wine but I’m not sure that any of that actually made it into the recipe. And for that matter, there really is no recipe.

pushing potato tradition

My family members are traditionalists – especially the men and especially when it comes to holiday dinners. There is a set menu that corresponds to each – Thanksgiving, Christmas and Easter – with little to no room for creative flare.

pushing potato tradition

My family members are traditionalists – especially the men and especially when it comes to holiday dinners. There is a set menu that corresponds to each – Thanksgiving, Christmas and Easter – with little to no room for creative flare.